Zucker & Regev, P.C.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Oct 14, 2012 @ 09:47 AM — by Zucker & Regev, P.C.
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There are few injuries that can affect a persons life as dramatically as a serious spinal cord injury. At the Law Office of Gary A. Zucker & Associates P.C., our Brooklyn personal injury attorneys have represented many spinal cord injury victims and their families, and we have witnessed firsthand how devastating the physical, emotional, and financial consequences of such an injury can be.While we may not be able to alleviate all of their burdens, we can certainly help to ensure that they receive the full measure of compensation to which they are entitled.

If you or a member of your family has suffered a serious spinal cord injury due to the negligent or deliberately wrongful actions of someone else, our Brooklyn spinal cord injury attorneys can help you obtain financial compensation for the losses and expenses you have suffered as a result. You may be entitled to damages for current and future medical and caretaking expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses and expenses. While you put the pieces of your life back together as well as you can, we will take care of fighting for your rights.

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

Of the two basic types of spinal cord injuries, the most common is the incomplete spinal cord injury. This type of injury does not completely rob the victim of feeling or the ability to move at and below the point at which the spine was damaged. Indeed, some victims regain some or even most of their feeling and function over time, albeit with tremendous effort, extensive physical therapy, and a seemingly endless stream of rehabilitation bills. Even then, victims never fully recover from a serious spinal cord injury.

Incomplete spinal cord injuries can result from a variety of accidents, including sports accidents, workplace accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, and car, truck, or motorcycle accidents. The type of accident makes no real difference to the success of a lawsuit; what matters is the ability of the plaintiffs attorney to demonstrate negligence on the part of the defendant. Our Brooklyn auto accident attorneys have a history of success in identifying acts of negligence and establishing the liability of those who injure helpless victims.

Complete Spinal Cord Injuries

Although less common than incomplete spinal cord injuries, complete spinal cord injuries occur all too often as a result of catastrophic accidents. Complete spinal cord injuries entirely destroy the victims ability to feel or move at and below the point of the injury. The consequences of complete spinal cord injuries depend on the location of the damage on the spine. Paraplegia is the condition in which victims retain normal use of their arms and hands but lose the use of their lower body, including the bladder, bowels, legs, feet, and sexual organs. Tetraplegia is the condition in which victims lose feeling and movement in both the lower and upper body, including the hands and arms. Victims of tetraplegia often require the assistance of a ventilator to breathe.

Victims of complete spinal cord injuries face a lifetime of expensive care. Paraplegics must reorganize their entire lives around their permanent injury, while tetraplegics are no longer able to perform even the simplest of essential functions, including feeding, washing, and dressing themselves, without aid. Depending on the nature of the accident that resulted in their injury, victims of complete spinal cord injuries may be entitled not only to damages for their demonstrable current and future losses and expenses, but also to punitive damages, which are awarded to punish egregious acts of negligence.

Contact Our Brooklyn Law Office

If you or someone you love has suffered a serious spinal cord injury due to someone elses negligence, we urge you to contact our personal injury attorneys in Brooklyn today.