Zucker & Regev, P.C.

Drinking and Driving Can Cause Major Auto Accidents

Jul 10, 2015 @ 10:52 AM — by Zucker & Regev, P.C.
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Drunk Driving

Clients put their trust in the attorneys of Gary A. Zucker & Associates, P.C. because they know our team is committed to injury victims and their loved ones. If you live in Brooklyn and have been injured as a result of another person's negligence, our lawyers will be here for you.

Attorneys are particularly important for lawsuits involving injury auto accidents. A number of serious collisions can be caused by drunk drivers, which we'd like to discuss in more detail right now.

Drinking and Driving Puts Everyone at Risk

Driving while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things that a person can do. Drunk drivers cause serious injury accidents and fatal accidents as a result of impaired decision-making skills, poor coordination, and delayed reaction times. This is why laws are in place when it comes to drunk driving, and why law enforcement take all matters involving these kinds of cases very seriously.

The Legal BAC in the State of New York

The legal blood alcohol concentration in the State of New York is 0.08%. This is roughly the equivalent of two beers. Even if a person is within the legal limit for BAC, he or she may be arrested for drunk driving if the actions behind the wheel demonstrate an unsafe level of intoxication.

Penalties for Drunk Driving in the State of New York

When it comes to drunk driving offenses in the state of New York, the following penalties are imposed on first offense drunk driving arrest (in which no injuries occur):

Penalties will increase if you cause injury while you are under the influence and as subsequent DUI charges are incurred.

Drivers, Bicyclists, and Pedestrians Are at Risk

Drunk drivers put everyone on the road at serious risk of injury. Not only are other drivers at risk of being harmed, but so are pedestrians and bicyclists. We share the road with so many people, and it's important that their safety and well-being be accounted for in addition to regular motorists. If a pedestrian or a bicyclist is struck by a drunk driver, this can lead to life-changing injuries, and possibly even life-threatening ones.

Be Responsible and Protect Your Friends

If one of your loved ones has had a few drinks and is clearly in no state to drive, be sure to keep your loved one away from his or her vehicle. Suggest taking a taxi, using mass transit, or staying a while until he or she is sober. Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to these sorts of matters. You will be protecting your loved ones and others from harm as well as from serious legal actions.

Holding Drunk Drivers Accountable

If you or someone that you care about has been involved in an accident with a drunk driver, having an attorney can help collect damages for injuries, damage to a vehicle and other property, and compensation to cover lost wages and other sorts of matters. Given the complexities of the legal system, an attorney can provide the peace of mind that you need in these situations.

Speak with Our Lawyers About Your Auto Accident Case

To learn more about your legal options following a drunk driving injury accident, do not hesitate to contact our personal injury law firm today. The legal team at Gary A. Zucker & Associates, P.C. will fight diligently for you and your loved ones.