Zucker & Regev, P.C.

How Long Do Defective Product Suits Last?

Apr 2, 2020 @ 01:13 PM — by Zucker & Regev, P.C.
Tagged with: Product Liability

Consumers are provided certain rights under the law. First and foremost, consumers have the right to expect that products they purchase will function as intended, without posing any threat to their health or safety. If a defective product results in personal injury or death, the consumer or surviving family members can work with the product liability lawyers at Zucker & Regev, P.C. to seek financial compensation for resulting losses.

When clients come to our Brooklyn, NY, legal practice to file a product liability case, they often have many questions, one of which is how long their defective product lawsuit may last. Here, we discuss the potential duration of product liability suits, and the factors that may contribute to the length of each case.

Timeframe for Product Liability Cases

Undertaking a product liability lawsuit can seem daunting for our clients. Many are eager to find out how long it takes to complete a lawsuit and when they can expect payment for any resulting compensation.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide our clients with an exact timeframe for product liability cases. There are many factors that contribute to the length of a lawsuit, including the complexity of the case and whether a settlement is reached. In some cases, a product liability case may be settled in a matter of months, but it can also take a couple of years for a case to reach its conclusion.

Length of Discovery

The discovery portion of a lawsuit has a big impact on the overall duration of a case. During discovery, each party in the lawsuit is given time to investigate the details of the case and gather evidence to strengthen their claim. During this time, our attorneys may:

Discovery can take several months or longer, all depending on the complexity of the case. It may be wearisome for our Brooklyn clients to wait out this process, but it is an essential part of a lawsuit. A thorough discovery can greatly improve the chance of a settlement or positive court judgement.

Can a Settlement Be Reached?

Whether or not a settlement is reached also has a significant impact on the length of a defective product suit. An agreed upon financial settlement negates the need for a courtroom trial. Since the trial portion of a lawsuit itself can take weeks or months, a settlement shortens the overall length of a lawsuit.

Be Aware of Statute of Limitations

An important consideration for those considering a defective product lawsuit is the statute of limitations. State law allows our Brooklyn clients three years from the date of their injury for a lawsuit to be filed. Although a case can be filed at any time during this timeframe, the sooner a lawsuit is filed the better. It is much easier to collect necessary evidence immediately following an injury. And the sooner that legal proceedings begin, the sooner they will be over.

Contact Us

If you have been injured by a defective product, the product liability attorneys at Zucker & Regev, P.C. can help you explore your right to financial compensation. To discuss the details of your case with a member of our legal team, contact us online at your earliest convenience or call (718) 215-9855.