Zucker & Regev, P.C.

Brain Injury and Depression

Sep 21, 2020 @ 04:47 PM — by Gary Zucker
Tagged with: Brain Injury Attorney Depression

The brain plays a role in nearly every physical, cognitive, and emotional function, so a traumatic brain injury can result in a wide range of symptoms. The potential side effects of a brain injury are not always well-understood or widely talked about. Of these, depression in particular is often swept under the rug.

Individuals who suffer depression following a brain injury may experience lethargy, sadness, and a loss of interest in people or their normal activities. If depression is the result of a brain injury caused by another person’s reckless or negligent actions, then the traumatic brain injury attorneys at Zucker & Regev, P.C., serving Brooklyn, NY, can help you explore your legal options regarding financial compensation for damages.

Depression can make even getting through a normal day unbelievably difficult. The thought of pursuing a lawsuit on top of that may seem impossible. However, you deserve help - and a lawsuit may be the best way to ensure you can get it.

Is Depression a Common Side Effect of Brain Injury?

Depression is not just a possible side effect of a brain injury, it is one that is actually quite common. The Brain Injury Association of America reports that while past studies focused on brain injuries and depression have been inconsistent, there is some evidence of a link between the two.

One particular study looked into a group of 722 participants, all with varying degrees of traumatic brain injury. These participants were all treated at the same outpatient facility. Using depressive symptoms and standardized tests as diagnostic guidelines, the study found that 42 percent of the participants were rated as having major depressive disorder. The most common symptoms reported by these participants were feeling exhausted, feeling frustrated, and having difficulty concentrating.

It is important to note that depression does not always develop immediately following a brain injury. Injury victims may suffer symptoms of depression months or years after their brain injury.

What Causes Depression after a Brain Injury?

There are a couple of factors that may trigger depression in victims of traumatic brain injury. The first potential cause of depression are physical changes to the brain. When an injury occurs, the tissues and neurotransmitters in the part of the brain that controls emotions can be damaged. Furthermore, chemical changes can also occur. Any of these physical changes could lead to depression for our Brooklyn clients.

The second potential cause of depression after a traumatic brain injury is emotional trauma. A brain injury can dramatically limit a person’s functions and force them to alter their way of life. As people adjust to the physical or cognitive symptoms of a brain injury, it is normal for them to become depressed.

Am I Due Compensation for Damages Related to Depression?

Depression is a real medical condition that requires medical treatment. If another person or party is responsible for causing a brain injury, they should be held liable for all damages stemming from the injury, including those related to depression. Our Brooklyn attorneys can help brain injury victims fight for compensation for losses associated with depression, such as:

Learn More

If you or a loved one is suffering from depression as the result of a brain injury, you may be due financial compensation for damages. The traumatic brain injury attorneys at Zucker & Regev, P.C. can evaluate your case and advise you of your best course of legal action. To learn more, send us a message at your earliest convenience or call (718) 624-1211.