Zucker & Regev, P.C.

Long-Term Effects of Spinal Cord Injuries

Sep 9, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Zucker & Regev, P.C.
Tagged with: Spinal Cord Injury Catastrophic Injury

If you’ve experienced a spinal cord injury that has resulted in paralysis, it’s crucial that you contact Zucker & Regev. Our Brooklyn, NY catastrophic injury lawyers can help you seek damages to cover medical expenses and the pain and suffering you’ve endured.

Spinal cord injuries change people’s lives in a myriad of ways. Our law firm would like to briefly consider just some of the long-term effects of severe spinal cord injuries.

Reduced Mobility

Serious spinal cord injuries can result in some degree of reduced mobility. We’ll get to more severe cases of immobility later, but in these situations, you may find standing, walking, or turning in certain ways more difficult because of the injury you sustained.

Changes in the Use of Your Limbs

Many spinal cord injuries affect the use of your limbs or extremities. Injuries to the lumbar region of the spine can lead to problems with your legs, such as weakness of the lower body or tingling through the legs. Injuries to the upper back and neck can result in changes in grip strength a well as the overall use of your arms.

Loss of Sensation in Parts of Your Body

When the injuries to the spine are severe, you may experience numbness in certain parts of your body. This can vary in severity depending on the nature of the spinal cord injury. In serious injuries, you may not be able to feel your arms or legs at all.

Different Degrees of Paralysis

When the spinal cord has been severed or severely damaged, this causes paralysis. Our Brooklyn catastrophic injury lawyers have worked with a number of clients and their families following accidents that resulted in partial or total paralysis.

Serious injuries to the lower portion of the spine lead to paraplegia, which means that the lower extremities are no longer responsive. Injuries to the neck and cervical spine lead to quadriplegia, which is the total loss of use of all your limbs.

Use of a Wheelchair

If you’ve become paralyzed, you will need to use a wheelchair to get around for the rest of your life. This affects your commute, the way you navigate your neighborhood or workplace, your living space, and so many other aspects of daily life.

Changes to Your Career

In addition to major changes in your mobility, you may need a career change as well. Paraplegics and quadriplegics may lose their job and forfeit any promotions on the horizon and future wage increases. This might mean going back to school, or in the case of quadriplegics, it could mean the complete inability to work.

The Need for Constant Assistance and Medical Monitoring

If you are a quadriplegic, you will be completely reliant on others to help you complete basic tasks. Eating, proper hygiene, and even getting in and out of bed will require the aid of a loved one or an in-home nurse/medical specialist.

Artificial Respiration

When a spinal cord injury occurs high up on the neck, a person is no longer able to breathe on their own. In order to survive, you’ll need to be hooked up to an artificial respirator. This should illustrate just how severely a catastrophic spinal cord injury can affect someone’s life.

Dealing with Depression Related to Your Injury

With all of these major changes, it should come as no surprise that people who suffer serious spinal cord injuries often experience depression and other mental health issues. These can be helped with therapy and building strong, heathy, communicative connections with your loved ones.

Learn More About Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuits

If you would like more information about your legal options following a severe spinal cord injury, be sure to contact our team of injury accident lawyers. The attorneys of Zucker & Regev can be reached at their Brooklyn law office by phone at (718) 624-1211.