Zucker & Regev, P.C.

Tips for Talking With Insurance Companies After a Car Accident

Dec 24, 2020 @ 11:30 AM — by Zucker & Regev, P.C.
Tagged with: Car Accidents Auto Accidents

Car accidents can be scary and stressful experiences. Unfortunately, anxiety doesn’t always end when the accident is over. Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be extremely frustrating. That includes calling insurance companies, determining accident liability, and getting compensation for damages.

The car accident lawyers at Zucker & Regev, P.C. are happy to help accident victims prove liability and fight for the financial compensation they are due. But first, drivers must file a claim with their insurance company. Our our Brooklyn, NY, attorney offer tips for talking with insurance companies after a car accident. This will help you feel better prepared to tackle this task.

Make Note of Who You Are Speaking With

Drivers involved in an accident need to file a claim with their insurance company. After a claim is filed, insurance companies work quickly to settle it. The faster they close a claim, the more likely they are to avoid paying out for costly damages that could develop in the days and weeks after the accident.

Whether a driver is talking to their own insurance company or has been contacted by another involved party’s insurance company, they should ask who they are speaking with. Refrain from discussing the accident if the adjuster is not willing to share their name, the name of their company, or their contact information.

Answer Questions Honestly, But Limit the Information Given

Being truthful about the facts of a car accident is imperative, but our Brooklyn accident lawyers advise clients not to offer up details that are not asked for.

It is best to limit information to the general details of the accident, such as:

Do Not Admit Liability

When they are speaking to insurance companies, drivers should not admit fault for an accident or make any speculations about who or what caused the crash. Insurance companies have their own investigators who will determine accident liability.

Furthermore, if accident victims are working with our Brooklyn lawyers, we will consult with experts in the field to recreate the accident and make our own determination about fault in the accident.

Do Not Discuss Accident Injuries

Insurance companies will likely ask questions about injuries. Accident victims should not discuss the extent of any injuries, because their condition could change or worsen in the days and weeks following the accident.

Even if a driver does not believe that they have suffered any injuries, they should not comment on this either. Sometimes accident injuries are not immediately apparent, and a denial of injuries could be used against drivers down the road.

Do Not Accept a Settlement Without Consulting an Attorney

It is in an insurance company’s best interest to settle accident claims quickly, so they are likely to offer a settlement soon after the accident. An early settlement offer is unlikely to compensate someone for the full extent of their losses. We strongly advise against accepting an offer without first consulting with an attorney.

Contact Our Law Firm

If you believe that another person or party is responsible for your accident and you’d like to find out how we can help you collect compensation for accident damages, send us a message online or call Zucker & Regev, P.C. at (718) 624-1211.