Zucker & Regev, P.C.

My Car Got Hit by an Uber Driver: Can I Sue?

Oct 26, 2023 @ 09:38 AM — by Gary Zucker
Tagged with: Car Accidents

Auto accident victims are often left to deal with physical, emotional, and financial hardships. Working with insurance companies and pursuing just compensation for collision damages is not easy. Some circumstances make the aftermath of a car crash even more complicated.

Many drivers need help figuring out how to proceed after being hit by an Uber or Lyft driver. The auto accident attorneys at Zucker & Regev, P.C. work with injury victims in the Brooklyn, NY, area to file a rideshare lawsuit and hold liable parties accountable for losses such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Liability for Rideshare Accidents

Liability for car accidents involving rideshare drivers is determined the same way as fault for any other type of auto collision. Insurance or accident investigators gather evidence pertaining to the crash to identify factors that led to the collision. If a driver was negligent or reckless in their operation of the vehicle (they were speeding, ran a red light, ignored posted traffic signs, etc.), they can be found at fault for the accident.

When a vehicle is hit by a rideshare driver and the rideshare driver is at fault for the crash, accident victims often wonder if the company they are driving for is liable for collision damages. In other words, injury victims may wonder if they can file a lawsuit against Uber or Lyft for injury losses. In most cases, Uber or Lyft are not liable for the damages of a rideshare accident. Rideshare drivers are classified as independent contractors rather than employees, so the rideshare company’s liability is limited.

Unfortunately, suing a rideshare driver personally is also not usually a worthy pursuit. Many rideshare drivers have limited financial means and cannot personally cover the economic losses associated with a car crash. Usually, the best course of action is to file a claim or lawsuit against the driver’s auto insurance provider.

Insurance Coverage for Rideshare Drivers

Like other drivers on the road, rideshare drivers must carry automobile insurance that meets the state’s minimum requirements. In New York, the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage drivers must carry is:

In addition to a driver’s personal automobile insurance, rideshare companies often provide supplemental insurance while a driver is logged on to the company app. For instance, Uber offers supplemental insurance coverage of up to a million dollars if a rideshare driver is involved in a crash while providing a ride to a client. The supplemental insurance coverage will cover damages for all involved parties if the rideshare driver is liable for the collision.

Should I Work With an Attorney to File a Claim?

We strongly urge Brooklyn drivers to work with an attorney when filing a claim for a rideshare car accident. Auto accident lawyers understand the law and are prepared to work on their client’s behalf to explore all potential avenues of liability so they can pursue maximum compensation for collision damages.

Contact Us

If you are suffering from injuries related to a car crash with a rideshare driver, the auto accident lawyers at Zucker & Regev, P.C. can assist you in holding liable parties accountable for your losses. To discuss the details of your case with our Brooklyn legal team, contact our law firm online at your earliest convenience.